Foundational statistical concepts, interpretation of statistical measures, meta-analysis, and extracting valuable information and insights from research studies. Basic statistics using AI.
Basic statistics and medical data interpretation
How to Read Articles and Interpret Scientific and Medical Information. Basic Statistics
Foundational statistical concepts, interpretation of statistical measures, meta-analysis, and extracting valuable information and insights from research studies. Basic statistics using AI.
Basic statistics and medical data interpretation
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Training Schedule
The program is specifically designed for medical affairs professionals. Module A. 4 hours.
08:50 – 09:00
08:50 – 09:00
Program overview Gathering participant expectations Assessing initial knowledge level
09:00 – 10:00
09:00 – 10:00
Basic Statistics
What a medical advisor should know to navigate scientific medical information
Key concepts: risks, risk ratios, odds ratios, and their differences
Random variables, NNT (Number Needed to Treat), NNH (Number Needed to Harm)
Descriptive statistics
Interpretation of p-values, confidence intervals, quartiles, and percentiles
Meta-analysis and interpretation principles
10:00 – 10:30
10:00 – 10:30
Coffee Break
10:30 - 12:30
10:30 - 12:30
Practical Work
Statistics for medical affairs specialists
Individual tasks and review
12:30 - 13:00
12:30 - 13:00
Summary of the day Feedback and Q&A Homework assignment
Types of scientific journals, their ratings. Where to find, how to interpret. What kind of information we can get from the ratings. Principles of choosing a journal for publication.
Why do we need reference management? The basics of reference management. An overview of the most popular software for working with references.
Searching for scientific-medical information. Reference manage article by checklist
Place of RWD in EBM, data sources for real-world clinical practice studies, and observational studies. Interpretation of study results. RWD planning and execution approach.
How to create effective argument structures, follow established writing standards for medical publications, critically assess and improve their writing through review processes.
What is effective scientific and medical communication? Storytelling principles in articles and presentations, speech objectives, adaptation materials for the audience, online and offline formats.
Overview of AI’s evolving role in enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and insights within Medical Affairs Setting the foundation for understanding AI applications across key processes.
Practical work
Exploring AI-driven tools for conducting precise and efficient searches
Types of scientific journals, their ratings. Where to find, how to interpret. What kind of information we can get from the ratings. Principles of choosing a journal for publication.
Practical work Exercise “spoiled abstracts,” step-by-step article reviews
Place of RWD in EBM, data sources for real-world clinical practice studies, and observational studies. Interpretation of study results. RWD planning and execution approach.
Practical work Performing calculations and interpreting results of observational studies
Overview of AI’s evolving role in enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and insights within Medical Affairs Setting the foundation for understanding AI applications across key processes.
Practical work Exploring AI-driven tools for conducting precise and efficient searches
What is effective scientific and medical communication? Storytelling principles in articles and presentations, speech objectives, adaptation materials for the audience, online and offline formats.
Practical work Creation story tailing presentation
How to create effective argument structures, follow established writing standards for medical publications, critically assess and improve their writing through review processes.
Practical work Writing and editing an article abstract
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